It’s August already!

David Emmanuel Noel, Art by David Emmanuel Noel, Jazz & Art, Pictures at an African Exhibition, Darryl YokleyIt’s August already! The year seems to be flying by. The summer has been a mixed bag of events but it’s also been a period visiting galleries, gaining inspiration and working on a few pieces including the musical themed works above. Part of my ‘art of music‘ collection. This follows  the recent work with Darryl Yokley on ‘Pictures at an African Exhibition.’  Please visit Darryl’s site for the CD and further details. I’m looking forward to sharing a wider spectrum of work with you over the coming months. So, for the time being, just keeping up appearances and reaching out! Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and relaxing month ahead.

david emmanuel noel, art of music, music and art, david emmanuel noel art, music and art